« back Prosecution Cases 2007

The Director of Corporate Enforcement v Mediasatellite Ireland Limited.

20 June 2007

Details of Defendants: 
Mediasatellite Ireland Limited 

Company Number: 

Registered Office: 
94 South Mall, Cork. 

Other Address: 
11 Penrose Wharf, Cork 

Cork District Court. 

District Judge O’Riordan 

Alleged Offence(s): 
The defendant was charged with a single offence under section 202 of the Companies Act 1990, which requires the keeping of proper books of account. The charge related to the financial year ending the 30th of June, 2005. 

On a plea of guilty, the Court convicted the defendant of an offence under section 202 of the Companies Act 1990, imposed a fine of €1,200 and directed the defendant to pay prosecution costs of €375.

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Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement
16 Parnell Square, Dublin 1
Telephone: +353 1 858 5800
Email: info@odce.ie