The Role & Activities of the ODCE

01. What does the ODCE do?

Our primary role is to ensure that company law is being respected. To assist company officers and others understand  and comply with company law, ODCE have published a number of detailed information booklets and quick guide on the role, duties and powers of directors, secretaries, members, etc. under Ireland’s Companies Act.

Where we are satisfied that legal obligations under the Act has been or are being breached, we consider prosecuting the offenders before the Courts or taking other suitable enforcement action.

For further information please refer to the About the ODCE section of our site. You should also register your interest online for updates in ODCE activity.

02. Where can I get information on ODCE activities?

Each year ODCE publishes an Annual Report which set out its principal activities such as: outputs and outcomes during the year.  In addition, we have published a complete suite of information books and quick guides to explain the legal rules for managing a company under the Companies Act.  Also, from time to time we may issue new Publication and Statements.

To keep in touch with such activities, you may register your interest online to receive an email alert of updates in ODCE .

03. Where can I find out about my duties as a company director or secretary?

The ODCE has published a series of information books and summary guides dealing with the principal duties and powers of Companies, Company Directors, Company Secretaries, Members & Shareholders, Auditors, Creditors, Liquidators, Receivers and Examiners. These Books have been prepared in order to make the complex provisions of company law more readily understandable to a non-professional audience.  However, where anyone has a doubt as to their legal obligations or rights, they should seek independent professional legal or accountancy advice.

Court Rulings

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New Publication:

Single Guide for Companies 
Email for a copy

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Covid-19 and AGMs

What's New

Temporary contact details
Insolvency related issues
Data Protection issues
Statement on the performance of our functions
Temporary amendments to Companies Act 2014
(extended to 30th April 2022)